Built-in Cabinet Ideas That Will Make Your Kitchen Glow Up


You will surely visit your kitchen more often now that the holidays are coming. Whether it be to cook, to eat, or both, the kitchen’s appearance affects whatever business you’ll be having. If you’re like me who can’t function in a kitchen full of eyesores like misplaced items or clutter, then these built-in cabinet ideas can help. Surely there will be one or two that can fit the bill for your needs and embody your character. Bonus tip: some of these can even be bought online; I know some hardware stores in Cavite do 😉

No handles!

This trend of going handles on the cabinets shows a leveled-up way to achieve a neat and light kitchen atmosphere. Push-open and close doors used in these cabinets make this possible.

Working it with Wood

Whether it be reclaimed, light, or dark, wood in any part of the house creates a vintage and rustic look. You can opt for this if you want a nostalgic vibe or even just to make a design statement.

Black is indeed beautiful

Wanting to jump off the wagon of white kitchen cabinets? Go far extreme and go black. This is perfect for a modern and industrial look but be sure to add enough light sources to avoid the kitchen being too dark.

Go Green, Go Eco-friendly

Want a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach? Bamboo cabinets can be a choice. It can give your kitchen a minimalist and modern feel while you’re feeling satisfaction from taking a step to care for Mother Earth.

There are various options of built-in cabinets in the market and what’s amazing is that they can also be purchased online now. As mentioned, I know some hardware stores in Cavite offer this. The market is responding to our demands for accessible ways to purchase price-worthy items and it’s super exciting!


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